So I have been having quite big problems recently when it comes to gaming.
Recently I have found that quite a few games I have wanted to play have been quite hard on my computer and some I haven't even been able to play.
For example, I remember installing my pre-ordered Deus-Ex: Human Revolution after months and months of excitable waiting. I got into the menu and was just in awe by all of it, I then clicked play and it went through the opening cut-scene. It was perfect and I was surprised my computer could run it so smoothly... then it happened.
It went into the game and my game suddenly dropped to 0.5FPS! I didn't even know that was possible!
I get bad FPS with a lot of games, I get around 15 FPS on most games and have gotten used to that horror, but this was just bad. I think the highest FPS I have had was a stable 60 when playing the original Deus-Ex, but I get around 10 on games like Terraria.
What the bloody fuck.
Now I will admit here, I am on a pretty crappy computer. A laptop infact. But this is just bad, bad, bad.
I remember when I got it, I ran games really well, only getting lag every now and then on TF2. But now it is degraded to crap.
And it's not just to do with games, I have a 64GB hard-drive that can barely hold anything on, I even had to uninstall Portal the other day to make room to put my Falling in Reverse album on iTunes.
And don't even get me started on Windows Vista.
Then I get to the games I can't even fucking start up. I remember so many games in the past I have excitably bought to find out my computer can't run it, even though my PC specs were higher than the recommended specs. Games like Magicka and Amnesia which haven't exactly got high-end graphics.
And then you get the computer just having a random tech-fart. Like what's been happening to me for a while now. I currently can't play one of my favourite games (League of Legends) due to the client fucking breaking down just after champion select. And this only happened recently, it worked fine till a few weeks ago!
Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a rant about PC gaming... well it is, but it kind of isn't. I am a PC gamer to the core, I tried playing console games but in the end I have found PC the ideal. I still do play console games from time to time, but I prefer PC games when it comes right down to it.
My problem is that I have to shell out quite a bit of money in order to be able to play the games I like well. Now don't get me wrong, I have been trying this for a while now. But I am probably £500 off actually getting a new PC and there is no way that's going to happen soon. I have tried for a while to get a job, for months. But every one I have applied to has turned me down after weeks of waiting. Hell, I can't even sponge any money from the 2 bloody people that read this blog, because I need to be 18 to use ad-sense and PayPal!
Guh... all I'm saying is it's gonna' be a long time before I can play my favourite games at a good standard... or even at all.
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