I kid of course. This expansion has completely solidified my view that WoW is coming to an end.
I will now explain it in long, angry detail.
First of all, let me say. I am not just somebody trolling WoW for the sake of trolling. I have indeed played WoW before and I do know what I am talking about. I played World of Warcraft all the way from Naxxramas 1.0 (The original, hard version) right through to the Cataclysm beta. I had fun all the way through, despite getting bored numerous times during Wrath of the Lich King due to having 1 raid per tier and scarce content patches.
But in the end, World of Warcraft is a roller coaster. I road the same roller coaster for 4-5 sodding years. And what happens if you have too much of a good thing? You get bored of the good thing. I got bored of WoW, one day I realised that I have had my fun with it and in the end, nothing that Blizzard brings into the game will change it a significant amount for me to return.
I still followed the game out of sheer interest and to see if it will provide anything of worth for ex-subscribers to return... then the new expansion came out.
Now let's just get one thing out of the way. Pandaren came into the Warcraft Universe as a fucking APRIL FOOL'S DAY JOKE! They were designed by Samwise Didier as a joke, and they were put into Warcraft III as an Easter Egg. They were never meant to be a massive part of lore, more a small Easter Egg that fit into the lore slightly.
I wouldn't mind if Pandaria was maybe a zone in an expansion that brought in many more. But an entire fucking expansion centred around freaking Kung Fu Pandas?
I dunno man, it seems as though Blizzard are Panda'ring to their drooling fan-boys.
They lose almost 1 million subscribers within 9 months. That's a MASSIVE chunk, even out of 12 million subscribers. So what to Blizzard think? Hmm let's take the seriousness out of World of Warcraft, add nothing new and innovative and add Pandas and Pokemanz! (Oh yeah, they're adding a Pokemon style mini-game)
I really don't know what Blizzard was thinking with this new expansion. Maybe it's a ploy to bring more kids and squealing furries to the game. Maybe it's a way of scaring away it's subscribers and towards Diablo 3 or their upcoming TITAN game. (Not that that would make sense considering that they just added the annual pass). But I seriously hope, that this was all a MASSIVE joke by Blizzard, considering they haven't even showcased the big bad guy of this expansion, and in Blizzcon 2012, Metzen flips the bird to the fanboys out there and says "SUCK IT FURRIES! YOU'RE NOT GETTING FUCKING PANDAS!"
But I digress. This has proven that Blizzard has gone completely insane after seeing the drop in subscribers on World of Warcraft. I will no longer maintain any respect for the franchise unless they completely change their outlook.
And I hope to the almighty big beardy bloke in the sky, that this attitude isn't transposed onto Starcraft II (One of my favourite games at the moment), Titan (Which isn't even out yet) and Diablo III (Which I hold MASSIVE anticipation for, despite it's lack of modding and Single Player).
I can now say "Goodbye WoW! We've had our good times and our bad... But, I've been cheating on you with Guild Wars and I now hold a love for her daughter Guild Wars 2 that I hope to turn into an amazing spectacle of an MMO. That what you used to be... I am leaving you and I'm taking the car."