Whether it be the people, some content or even the game itself; it is one of the most stupid and irritating things I can ever come to talk about.
- The Game - To start off with let's discuss games that copy another. Or "Clones" as they are colloquially called. Games like Sonic and Sega All-Star Racing, RIFT, H.A.V.E. and that Godaweful FortressCraft are praised for pretty much reskinning (Sometimes only slightly) an already amazing game, and the majority of the time making it much worse! And what makes it worse is these blind, stupid people, that say the most stupid things like "Dur imitation is the greatest form of flattery!" IT BLOODY WELL ISN'T! It is taking something and copying it to exact whilst changing minor things, because the developer can't think of anything freaking original! It disgusts me when people call a downright plagiarised game; better or of equal quality to the original! In the end Sonic and Sega Racing is just a copy of Mario Kart featuring sega characters but added "shortcuts" and changing almost nothing! RIFT is just a darker version of World of Warcraft, they even say "We're not in Azeroth anymore". H.A.V.E. is a cutesified Korean Team Fortress 2. And that FortressCraft game, I found it funny when people said "FortressCraft is nothing like Minecraft! It innovated stuff like jetpacks, guns and creepers!" HA! Those aren't innovations! Those are just taking things from other games and putting them in Minecraft! There are Minecraft mods that have done that! At least when Notch "Cloned" Infiniminer he added stuff that made the game completely different! STOP COPYING STUFF AND GET SOME ORIGINALITY!
- People - Now this is something you don't just see in games. Pathetic Wanna-be's that have no personality of there own copy someone else in hope of being as great as them. I will confess, I have my inspirations in gaming and life, but never, EVER would I copy them to exacts, all they do is inspire me to do as I do. This is particularly prominent in the Video Making "Community" in people like HybridPanda, a glorified idiot that thinks he knows what he is talking about and insults people that say other wise, in some cases the people that he copies!
- Content - Well content I can mercifully let slide. But it all depends on the amount of content they copy. For example, if they copy aspects of it, or as Blizzard so delicately put it "Borrow" aspects from other games, they can improve the game for the better. Rather than make the game revolve around it and define the game. For examples when Notch took the block and mining system from Infiniminer, that wasn't taking the whole game. Infact, more of Minecraft is revolved around survival and building. But when you take an entire games coding to the exacts, reskin it to make it look "pretty" and add stuff that you think is "cool" and making money off it? That is just horrible and in my honest opinion is just an atrocity towards the maker's creation.
All in all this somes up my opinion on the matter. Imitation is not the biggest form of flattery, it is plagiarism, which to my knowledge is outlawed in some countries.
I am Zamros and this moan has made me feel better.